


Although we all lead busy lives, most of us sit or stand for extended periods of time during our day. Studies have shown that blood flow in the lower legs can decrease up to 50% after just 60 minutes of immobility. This results in increased pressure in the veins of the lower leg as blood fights against the force of gravity when returning to the heart. We see this increase in pressure on the surface of the skin as varicose and spider veins, and feel the pressure as our legs begin to swell and that dull aching pain sets in.




Any type of travel lasting 4 or more hours increases your chance of developing a deadly blood clot (DVT). While few have symptoms, everyone has RISKS. Blood clots can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. In fact 75-99% of those who developed a travel related blood clot had one or more preexisting risk factors and didn't even know it.

Multiple studies show wearing compression socks during travel effectively reduces the risk of developing deadly blood clots while also increasing comfort by reducing swelling and leg pain.




Athletes who wear compression socks have noted that their legs feel more energized, experience less swelling and leg pain associated with ligament, tendon injury and muscle tears and are therefore able to concentrate more on their performance giving them a mental edge.

Studies show that by increasing oxygen to the working muscles and flushing out lactic acid athletes will experience a faster recovery time with decreased muscle soreness and increased comfort.




Throughout their lives women are susceptible to an increased risk of blood clots due to their physiology as well as crucial choices they make with respect to birth control, pregnancy and menopause.

  • Birth control pills (BCP) increase a woman's risk of developing a deadly blood clot 3x
  • During pregnancy a woman's risk of blood clots increases 4x
  • The first week after childbirth, this risk increases up to 100x and continues to remain high up to 6 weeks post partum
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can increase the risk up to 3x.
  • During pregnancy a woman's blood volume increases by 30% putting strain on the circulatory system
  • As the baby grows it puts pressure on the inferior vena cava resulting in increased pressure in the lower legs
  • This increase in blood volume + increased blood pressure in the lower legs due to the growing baby often leads to swelling and pain in the legs, feet and ankles.
  • Statistically, 40% of women will end up with varicose or spider veins and this number can increase to 75% with subsequent pregnancies.

Wearing compression socks during pregnancy can help reduce varicose veins, spider veins, relieve swelling, leg cramps and general leg achiness which are all common symptoms during pregnancy.

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