Reduce the Risk with Compression Therapy

Dr. Segal's Solid Cotton Navy and Stripe Cotton Black Multi Energy Compression Socks 15-20mmHg


  • Birth Control pills increase a woman’s risk 3x while some of the newer pills pose a risk 2x greater than the old pills

  • During pregnancy a woman’s risk of blood clots increases 4x

  • The first week after childbirth, this risk increases to 100x and continues to remain high-up to 20x higher up to 6 weeks postpartum

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy can increase a woman’s risk up to 3 fold

Dr. Segal's Solid Cotton Black Compression Socks 15-20mmHg


  • Prolonged cramped sitting during long distance travel interferes with the venous flow in the legs and causes venous stasis

  • Seat edge pressure effects the poplitial area contributing to vessel wall damage as well as venous stasis

  • 75-99% of those who developed a travel related blood clot had one or more pre-exisiting risk factors.

Dr. Segal's Solid Cotton Black Compression Socks 15-20mmHg


Multiple studies show wearing compression socks during travel effectively
reduces the risk of developing deadly blood clots* while also reducing
swelling and leg pain.

* flight medicine updates: yosef leibman md interviewed by Rob Orman md:em:rap written summary.