How to Put on Compression Socks
Posted by SIMON LIM

Over the last decade or so, compression wear has proved more and more popular, not only for exercising and athletic performance, but also for general health and wellbeing too.
While there are all manner of different forms of compression wear to choose from, from a medical perspective, compression socks or stockings can be incredibly beneficial.
Compression socks are designed to help boost circulation, prevent blood clots, reduce swelling, and to prevent damage to the extremities. Compression socks help to stimulate blood circulation to the legs and feet, encouraging fluids to be flushed out and removed, to be replaced with oxygenated blood.
Compression socks help to promote comfort, but more importantly, they improve health and wellbeing and can potentially save lives by preventing blood clots, poor circulation, and conditions such as deep vein thrombosis. The problem is, not everybody knows how to wear them correctly.
If you’re looking for compression socks, before you buy, here’s a look at how to put on compression socks correctly.
Always buy from reputable companies
First and foremost, before you even think about purchasing a set of compression socks or stockings, the first thing you need to do is ensure that you buy from reputable companies.
The sad reality is that far too many online companies out there are selling “compression socks” that are not fit for purpose. They’re basically just tight socks made from cheap materials, that do not do the jobs that compression socks are designed to do.
When you purchase compression socks, only buy from tried and tested companies with a professional reputation, who uses high quality materials and manufacturing techniques and processes.
Understand how compression socks should fit
Before you put your stylish new compression socks on for the first time, you must ensure that you understand how compression socks should fit.
Compression socks are not regular socks, if they were they would be pointless. As a result of this, they do not feel like regular loose-fitting cotton socks you find most people wearing. They’re designed to fit snugly against the skin, and at first, this will feel a little unusual. Don’t worry, though, it’s perfectly normal.
The material of the socks should feel snug against your skin, without sagging or bunching up. They should feel their tightest around the ankle, getting slightly looser the higher up the sock you go.
You may feel a slight pulsing or tingling sensation in your legs and feet, if so, don’t worry, not only is that normal, it’s actually a good sign that the socks are working. The pulsing sensation is the improvement in blood circulation.
Always put compression socks on first thing in the morning
After waking up in a morning, one of the first things you should do as part of your early morning routine is get in the habit of wearing compression socks.
During the night, your legs will have been straight and/or elevated slightly, plus we are naturally dehydrated when we first wake up. Because of this, our legs won’t be as swollen as they will later in the day. This means putting the socks on will be much easier early in the morning, rather than later on in the day.
Ensure your legs are dry
While we often have showers or baths shortly after waking up, when the time comes to get dressed after cleaning yourself, make sure your legs are completely dry.
Because compression socks fit so snugly, any moisture on your feet and legs will be trapped in there, and, will make it much harder to put the socks on. Good quality compression socks do wick away sweat and moisture, but even so, putting them on will be so much easier if your legs are completely dry.
Reach into the sock and firmly grab the toe
One of the simplest ways of putting on compression socks is to turn the top part of the sock inside out. When you do this, you’ll need to ensure the toe is still the right way around, which is why you should grab the toe from the inside and grip firmly as you turn the top part inside out.
Slowly pull the sock up over your feet
After turning around 75% of the sock inside out, place your foot inside the sock, and slowly inch it up your foot bit by bit. It will feel tight so take your time, there’s no rush here.
Rushing will cause you to get flustered, and you may sweat. As we mentioned earlier, wet feet and legs are not conducive when it comes to wearing compression socks.
Pull the sock up until you’re happy with how it feels, smooth out any lines or wrinkles, and then repeat the process with the other foot.
Walk around with the socks on for a while
Before you start your day completely, once you have your compression socks on, walk around the bedroom or house for a while, making sure you’re happy with how the socks feel.
If the socks feel too loose, too tight, or simply not very comfortable, take them off and start again. The last thing you want is to start your day with uncomfortable compression socks on, as taking them off and putting them on again while out and about will be much tougher than when you’re at home.
Sit down and get comfortable to remove your socks
When the time comes for you to take your compression socks off, the easiest way to do so is to sit down.
Grab the top cuff of the sock, pull it down so that it is inside out and then peel it off, as if you were peeling a banana. Try to do this in one smooth motion, as it will be much harder if the socks bunch up.
Where to get quality compression socks?
As mentioned earlier, buying good quality compression socks from quality manufacturers is essential for your health, wellbeing, and comfort. This is where Dr. Segal’s comes in.
With a solid reputation, years of experience, and a selection of fabulous compression socks, Dr Segal’s is well worth checking out for all of your compression sock needs.